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Un concentré de connaissances sur Grether's

Conseils et astuces utiles pour prendre soin de votre voix


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  • „Grether's Pastilles are really a lifesaver. I know of several big performers who use them, including Idina Menzel and Alice Ripley.“

    Katy Perry

    Source : Marie Claire

  • „I use them every single show!! A life-saver.“

    Elizabeth Teeter

    Source : Instagram

  • „I have two cases of Grether's in my bag. They are good for your throat when your are singing.“

    Ariana Grande

    Source : YouTube

  • „Seit Beginn meiner Karriere sind die bekannten Grether’s Pastillen mein treuster Begleiter, wenn's um die Gesundheit meiner Stimme geht.“

    Anna Kaenzig

    Source : Interview